Fishing Pool Noodle

How to Use Fishing Pool Noodles on Your Next Trip

Fishing can be quite expensive when it comes to fishing gear and tackle, this is why I miss the old days when technology had no control over humans. All they had was a KISS method ( Keep It Simple Stupid). Hence I have decided to bring you some juicy hacks that cost you nothing but pool noodles. When you hear about pool noodles, you might think of children swimming with the help of buoyant objects. But to a creative mind, pool noodles are more than just dollar-store buoyant tubes. There is more use for a pool noodle in fishing than any other fishing-specific equipment because a noodle can be used in numerous creative ways. So let’s delve into the creativity! 

Floating Net

Sometimes the net sinks, wouldn’t it be cool if you had a floating net? Well, now you do. All you need to do is make a slit in a pool noodle with the help of a knife and slide it onto the net such that the net sits inside the hollow space in the noodle. Now secure it with zip ties and you’re good to go. 

Note: do not attach the noodle to the leading end as that might cause the lure to be tangled. 

Securing Bait

If you are concerned about losing your bait while casting, you can secure it with the help of pool noodles. Just thread the bait with the hook and attach it to the line, as you would naturally. Once the setup is secured, attach it to the noodle and tie it. Or you can use zip ties to secure it in place. 

DIY Fishing Bobbers

Save your time and money by DIY-ing fishing bobbers at home. These are highly effective and super customizable. Cut the pool noodles into small pieces of your preferred size and shape. Next, insert the fishing line through it and secure it with a stopper. That’s pretty much it! Isn’t it cool?

Secure Leader 

Fishing lines and leaders often get tangled and make the nastiest bird’s nests. But after reading this, you will no longer have to worry about holding your leader in place. Buy a pool noodle of 12 to 16 inches and make cuts every ½ inches along its length. Now you have groves that will secure your leader in place when you tie it around the noodle. You can secure hooks and lines with the help of this method. 

Storage for Stinger Hooks

Stinger hooks can be messy when they are left free. They can get tangled in fishing lines, shoe laces, bags and pretty much everything but the fish. Enough of your mischief Mr. Stinger, we have a solution to lock you in place. Cut a pool noodle to the length that matches your hooks, then make slits lengthwise every ½ inches. Now insert your stinger hooks such that they are locked in place. Great! No more stinger hook problems. 

Rod Protector

Improvised rod holders can be made with these pool noodles. Just cut the noodle lengthwise and insert it onto the rod for extra protection and cushion. This will protect your fishing rod from slipping, and physical impacts. Now you don’t have to worry about all your rods getting scratched by rubbing against each other. 

DIY Gear Holder 

With some creativity, you can DIY your very own rod holder from pool noodles. There are numerous ways to accomplish that but one of the easiest ones is to insert 2 noodles onto curtain rods and attach the rods to the ceiling. Now make slits at equal distances. And voila! You can now keep your rods in place at your home or in your vehicle. 

DIY Bait

You might not believe this, but trust me pool noodles make an enticing bait. You can embellish a small piece of pool noodle to make it look like an actual bait and attract fish towards it. This option allows you to save a lot of money. Moreover, pool noodles are highly customizable. You can pretty much mimic every bait shape, size and color. Astonishing! 

Enhanced Cast

Believe it or not! Pool noodles can help you eliminate the chances of getting your line tangled while casting. Cut a pool noodle to the desired length and attach it to one end of the fishing line. Now tie and secure the bait and hook. Once you are satisfied with the sample and assured that the noodle won’t come off, you are ready to cast.

For casting, hold the noodle in one hand and slightly swing your arm forward, release the noodle at the right time and let the line fly. There you go, a perfect cast with no interruptions. 

Bonus point: you can utilize the pool as an indicator. When it bounces in water, you know something got hold of your bait. 

Fish Holder

Did you forget to bring a cooler or a blanket along to hold your catch? Worry not, you can use a pool noodle instead. This will allow careful and protected handling and transporting of the fish. Cut a slit along the length and slide the fish inside. Easy as a pie! But do not overload it as it might tip. 

How to Choose the Right Pool Noodle?

Don’t all the pool noodles look the same? No! There is a difference in their size, diameter and color. Now what size, diameter and color is perfect for you? Well, most of it depends on your preferences and needs, but here is how to find the perfect fit if you are unsure. 

  • Buy larger-sized pool noodles to meet your needs. The more the area, the better the buoyancy. Moreover, it increases visibility. You can also reduce the size if you want, but you cannot grow a smaller one.
  • Go for vibrant colors for increased visibility. It is easier to locate neon-colored pool noodles in the water than dull-colored ones.
  • Make sure that your noodle has a consistent diameter if you are using it to secure lines, leaders and hooks. 


Isn’t it surprising! One pool noodle can help you with numerous problems that you face during fishing. From DIY bobbers to fish attractor and gear storage, you name a thing and pool noodles are there to rescue you. There is no harm in calling pool noodles a crucial element of the fishing gear, is there? 

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