Braided Fishing Line

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages for Braided Fishing Line

What is a Braided Fishing Line? What is it best for, how to use it, what are its advantages and disadvantages, how to choose the right one? Should I upgrade my gear with a braided line? Are you finding answers to these questions? We’ve gotcha! It is totally normal for these questions to pop up in your mind, and it becomes really hard to decide whether to get a braided fishing line or not, worry not! By the end of this article, you will have answers to all your questions and will be able to decide whether to get one or not. So without any further ado, let’s delve into the unraveling of the secrets of braided fishing line. 

What is a braided fishing line?

A braided fishing line is a super thin line made by intertwining several different polymer strands together. It is also known as a “super line”. Braided line was invented in 1953 and the innovation continued till 1970 when braided polyester was launched. I call it ‘the new favorite’ of anglers across the globe as they appreciate it for its enhanced precision and accuracy. 

What is a braided line made of?

Braided fishing line is manufactured by weaving several strands of man-made polymers, frequently Dyneema, Spectra fibers or Dacron. Dyneema and Spectra fibers are made of ultra-high-molecular-weight-polyethylene and Dacron is the same material found in a variety of consumer fabrics. It makes a tough and thin fiber which is hard to break. It can easily cut through weeds and vegetation. 

Properties of braided line

No stretch

The material and manufacturing of braided lines makes them rigid. Unlike monofilament, the braided line has no stretch at all. Due to this reason the sensitivity a braided line offers is insane! You can feel even the slightest movements deep under the water. Not just bites, but even the sinker dragging along will be felt distinctly. 

Very thin

Braided line is ultra-thin. You can fit 500 meters of braided line in a reel which fits 300 meters of mono line, both having the same weight. The upside of it being super thin is that more line will fit into the reel which will lead to increased casting distance. The downside of it is that this amount of line is impractical in certain situations. But this can be rectified by either adding mono behind braided or using a heavy braided line. Also remember that the reel used in both conditions will be different. 

More abrasion-resistant

It is strong and resistant to an extent that hardly any person might have replaced it because of its wearing out. Chances are, you will end up losing it to tangles and snags before it breaks down. Another characteristic of braided line is that, unlike mono, it won’t break down under UV radiations of the sun. mono will be sabotaged on your reel even if it is not used, but the braided line will hold up till its last breath.

Advantages of braided line

Ideal for deep waters

Enhanced casting distance, high sensitivity and ultra-thin diameter makes braided the best option if you are fishing deep under the waters. Braided line sinks at a faster pace and eliminates the chances of losing a valuable catch. 

Good around vegetation

The property of cutting through weeds and vegetation easily makes a braided line a good fighter around an area with plants and bushes. You can blindly trust braided line when fishing in waters with heavy vegetation like milfoils, pennywort, lily pads, hydrilla, cattails etc. 

Ultra sensitive

The no stretch property of braided line makes it ultra sensitive. This characteristic will allow you to feel even a minute jerk. This way, any potential chances of fish running away with your bait will be eliminated. 

Longer casts

As you already know, braided line is super thin and you can fit a large amount in a reel. This allows you to enhance your castings and cover more water distance. Your chances of going home without a catch will be reduced to zero because of it. 

Disadvantages of braided fishing line

  • Tying knots with a braided line is harder than any other line because of its slippery surface. But there is no such thing as “special knots for braids”. It is merely a myth that a braided line needs special knots. 
  •  It is visible underwater. Anglers do not prefer it because it might spook some fish when they see it.
  • It is very hard to cut a braided line. Anglers keep scissors with them as clippers don’t work very well. 
  • Not suitable for every situation though quite effective in most of the situations. 
  • Not beginner friendly.

Is a braided line for you or not?

It mainly depends on the circumstances that you are fishing in. For example, the ideal situation when you are in dire need of a braided line is when you are fishing in deep dark waters, around heavy vegetation. It also depends on the species you are going after. Some might get spooked, others will fall victim to your trap easily. At the end of the day, it is your personal preference whether you like a braided line or not. The best way to find out is buying one and trying it yourself. 


In conclusion I would like to say that do not use braided line, as you might end up falling in love! Braided line might not be ideal for all kinds of conditions, but it has won the hearts of many across the world. Some anglers would never go back to mono after using braided, whereas some might use others. At the end of the day, you will only know whether it is for you or not by giving it a shot. Try it and decide for yourself. 


Does the braided line sink or float?

It floats due to its material that repels water. After some time however, it will start sinking and it sinks faster than a monofilament line. 

Can it damage my fishing rod?

The sound that it makes while passing through the rod guide might make you think that it will damage the rod, but NO it won’t cause any damage to the rod. 

Should I soak braided line before spooling?

No! It does not need soaking. Braided line has no line memory, hence it does not require soaking. Moreover, it does not absorb water so its properties will also remain the same. 

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